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Basic Bike Handling

Your seat should be high enough that at the bottom of your pedalling stroke, your knees are close to (but not at) lockout. For really steep descents, you may want to decrease your seat height an inch or so to make it easier to get behind the seat.

Your seat should also be adjusted forward and backward such that at midstroke (pedal at 3 or 9 o'clock), a vertical line through the center of your pedal would run through the very front portion of your knee.

Your elbows should be relaxed and bent about 90 degrees.

You should grip the bar firmly at roughly shoulder width, but not so hard as to have white knuckles.

Keep your back straight, at about 45 degrees from the ground surface.

When not pedalling, try to always "stand" on the pedals in the 9 and 3 o'clock position. This will give you additional control.

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